Saturday, October 9, 2010

I'm gonna try again

Ok so I've been missing in action for quite awhile! I have been crafting though! I will post pics of some of the things I've made. This past weekend my mom and I did all of the challanges at Creations with Christina and even finished one an hour!!! I was very impressed with our work!

I really enjoy looking at other peoples blogs and visit daily. So I'm gonna try really hard to be like all of the talented ladies that I stalk! LOL! I hope one day people will be stalking my blog! I look forward to sharing my creativeness and receiving comments!


  1. My giveaways Win

    April Showers cricut cart
    1yr Paper Crafters Magazine
    36 ct Bic Markers

    Go tell Jinger CHRIS WOOTEN sent you there

    I am keeping a log of her facebook and your name will be drawn from my friends who go there for me.

    this entered you into the contest. if you send your friends for me, you get entries for them, but you have post chris wooten sent you there, thanks and if this is not ok, please forgive me.

    It ends this friday at midnight My gift to my crafty friends for voting for me on Jingers face book page. Please tell your firiends. You can earn one extra entry for each friend that votes for me hugs

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I had to check your blog out & your projects are just too cute for me not to want to see more, so I'm #3.
